Enterprise UX Library

Masterclasses, tools and templates created with enterprise-grade quality, real world examples and action-orientation.

Data Tables Checklist

This free checklist lets you double check your data tables for their UX quality and assess various aspects which make or break the data table experience for your users.


Heuristic Report Template Kit

Spend your time and life force actually doing your heuristic evaluation, rather than endless visual fiddling. Complete with a easy to customize Figma file and comprehensive how to videos to guide you the whole way.

$59 USD

Design Handbook Outline

This outline gives you a framework for how to build your own design handbook. It’s the stuff you want to include in your handbook, or at least consider in the process. Take this as a starting point, and adjust it to fit your team’s size, culture, and design maturity.


Data Tables Masterclass

We’ve crafted the masterclass to enrich and expand upon your experience reading our article. Peppering in design principles, more examples and workflow nuances that’ll help you deliver high quality UX. Join us!

Live Masterclass
55 min
$90 USD

Enterprise Interaction Design Masterclass

Learn the foundation that P&P uses to think through interaction patterns, reframe what UX quality to aim for and discover states beyond the basics like hover and disabled...

55 min
$90 USD

Intro to UX for Teams

Learn the foundation that P&P uses to think through all interaction patterns, including errors, success and warnings

55 min
$90 USD

Enterprise UX Portfolio Review

Get personalized critique on your enterprise UX portfolio from someone deeply familiar with the intricacies of the enterprise ux world and hiring within it.

Personalized Video
Coming soon!

Loading Masterclass

Dive into the nuances around representing loading in enterprise software. We explore how to adapt to technical constraints and deliver a great experience regardless of how long it takes to load.

50 Min

Still haven't found what you're looking for?

We work with teams to craft custom programs to develop your whole crews’ UX knowledge and raise the bar of UX quality.

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