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Biotech Design Service

Advancing what’s possible through excellent UX in biotech products

We bridge the gap between amazing advances in biotechnology and the humans using it

Biotech design challenges

Signs your product need our help

The UI doesn’t reflect the sophistication of the backend data and technology

Customers are confused in your software, despite their PhD

Adoption of your technology is focused mainly around super users

Your experience relies heavily on training from a small number of specialists

The team is at a loss on how to approach UX improvements

Workflows are complex and convoluted, creating anxiety and doubt

Mini Case Studies

Recent Biotech Product Design

Protecting patient anonymity through streamlined UX

A data analytics company anonymized giant clinical reports through a manual process which was exceedingly difficult to execute quickly. However, producing safe anonymized reports was required urgently by regulators, creating an urgent need for automation.
A robust software-based experience creating efficiencies, error reductions and allowing the company to present professionally to pharma customers.

Instrument experience for novice users

An instrument company was producing a mid-range instrument for the first time, where software training would be much less available, making reliance on easier software and in-app help urgent and important to the team.
A clear setup process for new users getting started preparing an experiment for the first time.
Lab Software

Physician Portal for "Lay" Oncologists

A medical diagnostic company providing genetic testing for patients provided AI-informed diagnostics to doctors via traditional means (paper-based test requests) but the process did not scale. Additionally, doctors without extensive genomics knowledge had difficultly interpreting results at a glance.
Streamlined digital portal with embedded education and improved awareness around test requisitions and test status and timing.

Manual to software product

A data analysis company used semi-automated process (macros, scripts etc) to transform unstructured data and perform highly sensitive secondary analysis.
Created a state of the art SaaS experience which reduced the risk of errors and manual effort by half.
Data dashboard
Design System
Examples of a documentation tool's features and ux
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Our approach to biotech design

How we craft excellent biotech experiences

Understanding Complexity

We work with experts on your team to understand your domain (and the mental models used within your field)

Clinical vs Research

We understand the difference between flexible vs. validated workflows

Raising standards and influencing culture

We help elevate the design standard across your experiences, bringing the team along for the ride

Action Oriented

We help your team identify areas decisions need to be made, so we don’t get stuck in ambiguity and can forge ahead and make progress

Appreciating detail

We have excellent balance between abstraction and incorporating detail into experiences - not just pretty mockups without meaning

Applying design knowledge to your scenario

We know best practices and differentiators in software in general and can find the opportunities to apply them to science-focused products

How this fits into our mission at P&P

Why we love working in biotech

Blue circuit illustration

Bad biotech product design hinders advancement of science and medicine


Helping smart people work better propels us forward and helps us contribute to human ingenuity


Science is cool - we marvel at the level of tech is involved in innovating in biotech and it’s incredible to play a small part in it

"P&P’s expertise in building complex data products and integrating AI functionality was a game-changer for our UX. Their attention to detail and ability to clearly explain design principles was instrumental to our product development, and we would recommend them without hesitation."
Devin Pickering, VP of Product, Orennia
“The professional approach to engaging with the team is among the best I've seen. They communicated in a timely manner, were consistently upbeat and optimistic, and produced outstanding designs.”
Andy Leikucs, Head of Development at IQVIA

Types of Biotech Products

These are the broad categories of biotech product design experiences we create

We work on both clinical or medical-focused tools as well as more R&D focused software, including:

  • Instruments UI
  • Bioinformatic products
  • Practice management tools
  • Clinical tools
  • Imaging software
  • AI-powered interpretation tools
  • Modeling software
  • Electronic health record (EHR) systems
  • Data pipeline tools
  • Telemedicine software
  • Booking systems
  • ...and more!

Get our whitepaper

Is your software demo turning heads, or causing headaches?

Applying the right design principles to your demo can create excitement and engage your audiences more effectively. We put together this whitepaper to help you inject some UX love into your product—we cover common mistakes, what a makes a demo successful, and more!

Check it out


Rule out risks and reservations

Your biotech product needs to work with the right UX team, we get it. Here’s some FAQ’s we’ve seen before.

How quickly can you onboard to a complicated data situation?

We have processes in place which modify the typical UX design process and allow us to gather relevant information and start diving deep. One such process is our “data context mapping” workshop, where we derive the data details from your data subject matter expert, learning the structure, quirks, size, and nature of the underlying data. This is part of an onboarding process which lasts typically 2-4 weeks

How do you work with teams on biotech product designs?

P&P has a collaborative culture which is based in creativity, pragmatism and efficiency. We work on biotech projects with the usual crew: product managers and devs but also a subject matter expert like a scientist, pharmacist or oncologist.

In what capacity does your team work?

We act as a plug and play design team for a range of situations. From teams who have never integrated any kind of UX design resource, to supplementing and collaborating with existing design teams. Depending on your needs, we can take the lead on new ideas, or support the team you have in place. We shine when it comes to collaboration and integrating quickly in teams. See our article about product management and design collaboration for example

Is there anything in the scope of design you don’t do?

We do the full scope of UX/UI design for software in the enterprise arena. This includes “zooming out” and formulating logic around the whole flow, to wireframing (mapping out screens) and producing realistic prototypes. UX/UI design however does not extend to branding or marketing, so we will happily refer you to wonderful teams we know.

When should a UX team be brought into a new project?

Our team gets brought into projects across the spectrum of stages. Sometimes we’ll work with a single visionary to establish direction and then grow with the team. Other times, development will be underway and there’s a more urgent context to the work. Ideally we’re brought in earlier rather than later.

How do I “sell UX” to my superiors?

Your business case and ROI calculation around UX investment may come down to several different factors that relate to the specifics of your business. A very common situation we see is the development team spending a lot of time trying to make design decisions, this cost savings might be a useful initial lens to apply. If you’re in a particularly competitive field, where your enterprise product is starting to lag behind in a scary way, you may want to apply the lens of opportunity cost. Many of our clients have used design concept work to de-risk development efforts and secure interest for large opportunities. Regardless of the approach you have, please leverage our resource “How to calculate the ROI of UX” as a guide and inspiration for you and your team.


Ready to have a conversation?

Get in touch with our crew to find out how our expertise in biotech product design can help your company.

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