UX Audit Service

How confident are you in identifying your UX problems and opportunities?

We give enterprise product teams clarity on the points of friction and opportunities for delight in their products.

strategic investment

Your product has been growing—now it’s ready to evolve

Conducting a UX Audit is a chance to take a step back and critically assess the platform through a strategic, user-centred lens. Now you can understand where your baseline UX stands and how to proceed in your redesign, iteration, scaling or innovating!


Does this sound familiar?

Your Goals

  • Enterprise-grade world-class experience: The level of your experience is excellent and works just as well for demos as it does for real users
  • Relevance: Your software is on the edge of emerging technology innovating and staying relevant in the face of competition
  • Cohesive direction: The team has analytical data to help prioritize goals, features and resources strategically
  • Undeniable adoption: Your users are yelling from the rooftops how wonderful your product is and want to pay…a lot!
  • Streamlined features: Everything in the product has a clear and impactful purpose that increases performance

Your Reality

  • Clunkly flows: a patchwork of interactions feels like totally different people created them with no user in sight
  • Low-quality feel: The refinement level of your software doesn’t reflect the sophistication under the hood
  • Difficult to use: The product feels overwhelming, confusing and tedious, perhaps stuck in the past
  • Poor retention: You’re losing users and you’re not sure what the sources of friction are
  • Feature bloat: Features have been added hastily and don’t always feel like they make sense

Value at Each Stage of your company’s growth


As a new startup

An early investment in user-centered documentation will build exponential value as it enables the team to move faster and prioritize


As an established enterprise

A UX audit can help you to re-evaluate early-stage decisions from an enlightened perspective. Cut through the confusion and zero in on what’s a real UX issue


As a scaling company

UX audits bring to light areas of friction and opportunity, so your team can make informed decisions for your product roadmap to your growth trajectory is enhanced with high impact UX changes


How we analyze your product

  • Discovery
    At this stage, we learn about your organization so we can tailor the focus and provide recommendations with context. This includes your target audience, business strategy and overall objectives.
  • Analysis
    A hands-on exploration of your product by our audit experts will be conducted. Our ~120 criteria will be used to assess all facets of the experience.
  • Calculation & Scoring
    We calculate the severity and impact of your UX issues and score each facet of your design so you can see where to focus
  • Recommendations & themes
    Possible paths-of-action to resolve major each issue will also be indicated to help visualize what a solution could look like.
  • Presentation
    You will be given a comprehensive document. We will walk you through the results with a live presentation so that there is plenty of opportunity to discuss any observations, questions and ideas.

What you get from it

friction analysis

For each issue identified, we include an explanation of the problem and heuristic principles breached and severity rating to help with prioritization.

light bulb

Solution Possibilities
Each friction area is followed by possible paths of action with related implications to give concrete ideas at what solutions might look like

enterprise live

Live Expertise
You will be given a comprehensive document. We will walk you through the results with a live presentation so that there is plenty of opportunity to discuss any observations, questions and ideas.

digital document

Digital Document
The UX Audit document will walk you through the identified areas, ways of thinking, solutions and other considerations in one neat package that can be shared with your entire team and act as a reference point for the next leg of your journey.

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Ready to level up your UX?

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2031 Store St, Victoria, BC, V8T 5L9

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